Wednesday, March 15, 2023


 Stencils and stamping work so well together and it doesn't matter if you want to use your more open-style stamps or the solid silhouette stamps, both look great. The ink I've found works the best for stamping the black focal images is the Versafine Clair in Nocturne (black). It is a pigment-based ink and is extremely black and juicy which means it covers the stencilled design really well. I chose to use Distress Oxide Inks for the stencil colours as these are very opaque in colour so show up perfectly on the Bristol Smooth card. Of course, Oxides and the black Versafine Clair will both stay wet for quite some time and on some of my atc's I was worried about smearing the inks so I used super fine clear embossing powder after the stencilling and stamping part of this technique. It may not stick to all of the stencilled areas but that doesn't matter as imperfections in embossing are not an issue as far as I'm concerned, particularly when it is clear embossing powder!

"On the inside"

"Live everyday"

"Mind like a lens"


"Choose to shine"

"Collect beautiful moments"

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