Tuesday, May 26, 2020


It's back to class we go!  I'm so glad we can start our classes again as I've really missed the companionship of the girls in my ATC group.  I'll be easing them back into a creative mindset with a simple style of ATC's - choosing a focal stamp that is embossed onto a Brusho background.  I've been using my Versafine Clair ink pad in Nocturn (black) as it is a very dense, rich black pigment pad that works wonderfully with just a coat of clear embossing powder over the top to help the stamped focal image stand out on the bright backgrounds of the Brusho's.  I also used other powders besides Brusho's, these were Tonic Shimmer Powders, Cosmic Pixie Powders and Lindy's Stamp Gang Magical Shakers.  Any powdered pigment will work for these backgrounds.  Simply spray your watercolour card first with water, then sprinkle the colours on (very little is needed as they are very pigment-rich).  Add some more water if you have chunky bits and I just use my finger to blend areas together.  Dry with a low blow heat gun, then it's ready for stamping.
Don't forget, wash your hands and keep your physical distance.  😊



"Fabulous called"
(my grand-daughter Zoe created this background
and also chose the stamps to use, as well as
the hat & glasses)



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