Saturday, January 17, 2009

A free give-away (blog candy), more Texture Paste Covers & atc's, canvases

Texture Paste class at Scraptivate is over, I've completed 4 of the covers in the classes as well as made numerous atc's using various ways of applying texture paste. Because I do a sample of the ATC Technique Book Cover in each class, then also paint the previous dried sample, I've ended up with 4 of the Texture Paste Covers for the book. They are 6" x 8" in size and I've decided that I don't need them all so I'm going to give 2 of the new ones away.....your choice! You can use it as a cover for a book yourself or whatever you want, cut it up, wipe your feet on it, whatever! lol
All you need to do is leave a comment and I'll wait about a week before doing a random pick from the comments for the winners. Here are the new covers, (all paint by Golden Paints). Please remember to leave your email address if it's not on your blog and also remember to check back to see if you've won!

#1... (colours used are Quinacridone Nickel Azo Gold, Dioxazine Purple, Interference Oxide Green)

a close-up...

#2...(colours used are Turquois Phthalo, Quinacridone Magenta, Iridescent Silver)

a close-up...

#3...(colours used are Phthalo Green (blue shade), Turquois Phthalo, Iridescent Gold)

no close-up...

Remember, all you need to do is to leave a comment below this post to have your very own miniature door-mat!!!....I mean "book cover"!!! (if you can't poke fun at yourself, how are you supposed to enjoy it when others do it!)

I also did some more atc's as samples and raffles for the classes. The effect of Glimmer Mist sprayed on dry texture paste is gorgeous, especially when the texture past doesn't cover the whole card as the card absorbs the mist differently than the non-texture pasted areas. Here are a couple of retro ones using the Glimmer Mists.
"Laser printer"... (Glimmer mist colour is Frost)

"Wisdom"... (Glimmer mist colour is Tigerlily)

"Portrait"...(using cuttlebug waste for texture paste scroll up the top)

Yesterday I had a catch-up with some of my arty friends, these are the girls who meet up (or try to!) once a month for a few entertaining hours of laughter, gossip, support and sometimes even art! We have made a committment to do better in the "art" department this year...starting with a shadow-box canvas. Anyway, for a Christmas gift swap this year we did 4"x4" mini canvases to swap. Here is the one I did that Lyn received. (I'll put up the one I received in my next post - can't find the camera.)

Lastly, here is an uncompleted 4"x4" canvas where I've used the Golden Crackle Paste over part of the canvas and just had a paint play with some greens and paynes gray. Not sure what to do with the rest of it but it'll come to me eventually. For now I'm happy just to look at the texture.


torre said...

Can't wait to get my feet, no hands on the "give away". I've got to try this, it's just gorgeous!!!!

Sarah Feeney said...

Wow Kelsey! These look great! Thanks for the opportunity to have a Kelsey Original in my collection! :)
Hope you're well!

Bibi said...

Hi Kelsey - they're wonderful! I particularly love the green one :) I'm sorry I haven't been attending your classes - would love to, but this is not a good year for me. *Sigh* Feel like I'm missing out on heaps of fun! Bibi

Anonymous said...

Wish I could take one of your classes! I would learn soooo much.

Thanks for sharing and for the blog candy to boot!

Mischief Maker said...

They look really great and I am so sorry I missed your class. I hope the class pack will help me get started on creating something as nice as that. By the way how did you do the blobby stamp thingy in the 4x4" canvas and the black border. It is really lovely.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I wish I lived near you so I could have taken this class - that magenta & turquoise one is stunning!

Katherine R. Willson
Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA

Linda M. Cain said...

WOW! Look at you, girl! These are stunning!
Linda Cain

Anonymous said...

Thanks Kelsey for fitting in a morning class Thursday ....I now have a new addiction Golden Paints .
Appreciate your patinece and time in teaching us your incredible talents.


Teresa Abajo said...

The covers are divine Kelsey!

Christy said...

Memememe these are incredible and were I a lucky winner it would be the cover of my current art journal. Well, my art journal cover measures 12" x 8" but it would be THE center decoration. These are just beautiful doormats too :)

France said...

Kelsey! I have a 2009 daytimer (which I printed myself) just ready to bind, but I haven't been in a very crafty mood and I can't go around with just a black cover! LOL! So I'll be really happy if I win this one!!!!!
And if not, I'm really happy to see your eye candy!!

Sherry Goodloe said...

Kelsey Kelsey Kelsey . . . love love LOVE the textured background pieces! Throw my name in the hat please :)

Barb Smith said...

Oh my...I'd love to win one of your gorgeous covers! They're all so fabulous, I'd have a very hard time picking out my favorite. lol
Peace & Love,

Danielle Sheehan said...

As always I am loving your work Kelsey, I'm trying to find texture paste but I'm having no luck in the stores Grrr. I cant wait to try this out myself.

Jen xo said...

aww kelsey, your book covers look so rich and luscious. I have just bought some gliimer mists myself and must try your suggestion of spraying them over texture paste. Your atcs are cracking me up....jenxo

NessH said...

ohh pick me pls Kelsey...your book covers/door mats are just the colours...always inspiring visiting your blog.

Brenda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brenda said...

Those texture covers are stunning. What a shame Scraptivate don't offer on line classes :-(

Karen said...

Gorgeous texture and color combos. No doormats there! lLve your blog - I visit often!
Phx, Az

Gaby Bee said...

These pieces are stunning, Kelsey.
Fabulous textures and colors. Thanks for the opportunity to win one of these great pieces.
Gaby xo

Ev said...

I don't just want one of these I covet one of these LOL. I love the crispness you manage to get in your texture paste work, I think I need a quick lesson.

Laura Jane said...



LUST!!!!! Please include me in the draw for 1 or 2 or any of them really.

(wipes drool off keyboard)

Anne, Bulles dorées said...

Wow it's stunning !! I love the first !! fantastic work !!

Debbi Baker said...

Hi Kelsey - what an awesome post - love all the covers but I think the first would be my absolute favourite! Your texture paste work (and a lot else!) is fantastic!

vikki said...

Stunning!! I would soooo love to own a KO-OK original! My resolution this year is to make it up for one of your classes.!!

Cheers Vikki

Anonymous said...

Wow, very nice


Carol Q said...

yummy yummy yummy. this is a technique I would love to try. the colours are just gorgeous

Anonymous said...


thank you for taking the time to do your blog.
kathleen m

Seth said...

Great techniques and such an excellent selection of pieces. The close ups really highlight the texture you have created.

Ginny Gaskill said...

I love the textures and the colors. They make me want to touch them and see all that you did. So nice of you to make a drawing available to all of us blogers.

penibear said...

What a brillinat technique, they look absolutely FAB.

Sulea said...

WOW the textured backgrounds are amazing!!! YUMMY!!!

Lady Di said...

I love your creations Kelsey they're amazing. I would feel honoured to have something you created in my collection. My email address is . Looking forward to meeting you at the Creative Soul Retreat ... it's going to be so much fun.

Jen Crossley said...

Awesome Kelsey I want to reach out and touch these textured pieces,you are the queen of Techinque my dear girl

smarcoux said...

As always lovely inspiring work... off to the studio my dear... thanks again
Dangling by a thread

Mel Connell said...

I just love that little canvas. I so glad that most of the time a get a little look see before the rest of the world. Girls the texture past cover are completely stunning IRL!!!

Anonymous said...

Would love one of the texture poeces
thank you

Anonymous said...

Kelsey such amazing work.. sadly I have moved to New South Wales permanently so won't have the pleasure of visiting the "best little "ATC chic" in Perth..if not Australia..
thank god for the internet, I still check you out weekly, thank you for all your wonderful online info..
Love to be a recipient of the blog candy..
Helen Brown

Anonymous said...

it's really beautiful

Barb said...

Kelsey...they are amazing doormats!!LOL

I have been out of the loop for a while 'cos of visitors...only got to play while Bevlea was here for her annual visit, and these have motivated me!!Thankyou for being so clever!...vbg

mary schweitzer said...

Oh, I would love to own one of these wonderful pieces! You do such great work.

Glycérine said...

Oh my God, how wonderful they are !! They look like a dream..
Really love your work



Chris said...

you know, just because I'm comment 43, that doesn't mean I am not completely DYING to have this FLOORMAT! please please please!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelsey!

I love them! You always are so inspiring. I'm going to dig out my texture paste and see if I can come even somewhat close to what you do.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful work as always Kelsey - hope you are able to do the techniques book again.


AtomicWarBride said...

OOH! This is so beautiful!!! I love it! I can't wait for you to do a techniques book!!

Shelly said...

Brillant covers !! The close ups are great, too. Always love those.
Your raffle ATCs are to die for ... love the sayings !!!
Have a great week.

Anonymous said...

hi kelsey
thanks for including your colour combinations in your blog. Even though i did the class I would still like to win one that you did.

lisa crofts

Kim Palmer said...

I looove texture paste! It's one of my fav mediums too. Gotta say I love the sharp defined lines from your stamping here, great job. I think I love the gold the best, all those warm colours, or maybe the green, no the gold, no the green, no the gold... LOL. I just love it all really!

Anonymous said...

Kelsey - I really would love one of your "floormats". If these were my floormats I could only imagine how incredibly amazing the rest of my house would look.

Donna Kelly

~marilyn said...

Lovely work as always, Kelsey! So glad you've kept on creating in spite of all you've been through in recent months. It really helps, doesn't it?

Thanks for the generous giveaway!

chrisw said...

Aww pick me honey Pick me..Your work is soooo sooo beautiful and besides You know that I luvs ya honey

kmatelsky said...

Love your texture technique.
Would love to be down under to take your classes

Jo Anne O. said...

WOW Kelsey!!! Love the texture and all of the colors are just fab! I can only imagine how cool they must be in person! If I were lucky enough to win one, it would become a journal cover, for sure!

Thanks for sharing your art with all of us! Hugs, J

Tenaha Wilson said...

They look awesome Kelsey. You are very talented.


Shari said...

I'm #56---not likely to win any of your lovely pieces!! They are all beautiful. I am particularly attracted to #1 (very close to my favorite and most used color palette). Great blog. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Ok, hope this isn't a double post. I love your work, it is absolutely beautiful, love the colors. Liz in MO

Anonymous said...

Love that you take the time to explain the techniques you use. These book covers look great.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kel love the effects and colours........loved doing the class as well and would be honoured to have a piece of KO original art in my home.

Kim said...

Hi Kelsey I'm a big fan of your gorgeous work and would adore even a scrap of paper from you...LOL xxx Kim from Nth Qld


Anonymous said...

Fantastic give away

Sonja said...

Oh, wow, the doormat is absoluut my favorite!

Anonymous said...

The glimmer mists are so gorgeous. I need to try them out his year. And your "doormats" are just beautiful.

Renee said...

Love these Kelsey. They are divine and how sweet of you to be giving them away. I would love to know how you make them....I just have to try and convince hubby that we need to fly over to Perth :)

KatieScarlett said...

Okay - the giveaway is amazing but really, I NEED to take this class! I'm going to hope, and hope, and hope some more, and then click my heels together that someday this will become an online course.


KatieScarlett said...

Ooops - I forgot my e-mail (I'm without a blog):

carine said...

this is so bad i can not take these classes..i am from belgium..i really would like to know how it is done..i love your blog..

Elizabeth said...

Your work is wonderful- color texture and stampings are divine!! I am so glad that I ahve found your blog thanks to Anne in France!!

Sam Marshall said...

These are fantastic!!! Love the beautiful textures.

Anonymous said...

Love the colours and pieces too!


wwilloww said...

WOW!! I want to take a class with you! Unfortunately, I don't think I can make the trip anytime soon...So, instead I would just love to win one of your art pieces!!! Thanks so much for all your creative sharing!!

Lynn said...

What an awesome site..I just love your creations...Fantastic :0)Lynn

Katie Mercado said...

I am impressed.Absolutely brilliant covers.
Katie Mercado

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