Friday, January 25, 2019


Yupo paper has been the usual substrate for using alcohol inks for a few years now as it has more flow and movement than just using gloss card stock.  Yupo is a synthetic paper made from polypropylene (plastic) so withstands the alcohol ink and subsequent application of 91% or 99% alcohol to make the inks spread further and dilute them (or you can use blending solution).  Mineral paper is made from rocks so it is different in that it gives a more matte finish than Yupo, but the inks do react differently on it.  They don't tend to spread as easily without the application of the alcohol and if you apply Snow Cap (white alcohol ink) mixed with some 91% or 99% alcohol, this will make the surface shinier.  It is still a wonderful substrate to try out if you can get hold of some.

"Life update"...

"New beginning"...

"Owl sings"...

"Keep friends close"...


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