Thursday, June 6, 2024


 It's been a while since we used our Gelli plates so it was time to rectify that. I have a variety of items that I've been putting aside to use for texture on my Gelli prints so this was the opportunity to get them all out. My texture items include: corrugated card, wool (particularly wool bits hanging off it), bubble wrap, scrunched-up baking paper, plastic fern leaves, lids from containers, bag mesh (from citrus produce), texture plates (for clay making or baking) and the list goes on. I didn't use all of these in my samples but it's a good idea to put items that you think will work all together in a container for use in your Gelli printing as that way you won't have to hunt things down, they'll all be together. (Don't forget, to see these images much clearer, click on each one.)

"Results may vary"
(Stringy-style wool was pressed into the paint
to get this texture on the Gelli plate.)

"Leaf blower"
(A plastic fern leaf was pressed into the paint
to create this background texture.)

"Regret nothing"
(Wool with bits hanging off it was pressed
into the Gelli plate to create this background.)

"Care factor"
(Wool for this background on the Gelli plate.)

"Angel face"
(This background was made with scrunched up
baking paper pressed into the paint on the
Gelli plate.)

A close-up of Angel face with the gold highlights
from using the Pebeo Mixtion Relief with gold
foil pressed over the top when it dries to its
tacky stage. Beautiful in the flesh!

(Corrugated card was pressed into the paint on the
Gelli plate to create this texture on the

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