Tuesday, November 7, 2023


 Stencils are an easy way to add something extra to a background and it can be as complex or as simple as you like. But did you know you can use your stencils to get a dry embossed look to your plain cardstock? The cheaper, thicker type of stencil works particularly well for this technique and you can buy a rubber embossing mat that is specially made for this purpose. I have a couple of rubber embossing mats but one of them was old and brittle so I was going to purchase another one, however I found that the silicone pet feeding or training mat from Kmart here in Australia was a perfect substitute. In fact, it's slightly thicker than the embossing mat so it works well. Two caveats, never run your embossing sandwich through twice, that is backwards and forwards, as the rubber stretches and you'll end up with a double impression and secondly, don't force the sandwich through your machine. You may need to shim to get just the right combination of cutting pads, rubber/silicone mat, stencil, platform. If it goes through too easily, you won't get a good impression on your card. I used Bristol Smooth for the card as it is reasonably heavyweight and the blending of the Oxide Ink pads on this card works beautifully. 

"Keep moving forward"
(I used a Uni-Ball Signo DX 0.28 black gel
pen to draw around the edges of this stencil
after adding the colour to make the petals
stand out.)

"Plant Parenthood"
(A grey brush marker was used on two edges of
this stencil design to give a shadow effect.)

"Live gently"

"CTRL + Z"

"Free to fly"

"No rain"

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