Tuesday, August 15, 2023


 Several months ago, I read about using fluid acrylic paint in a small needle-nose bottle to apply decorative accents to artwork backgrounds. I had some Golden Fluid Acrylic paint and decided to decant some into my tiny 10ml needle-nose bottles to see how it worked. It was wonderful! I have since decanted black fluid acrylic paint as well and the bonus is I haven't had an issue with the tips clogging at all. I have since decanted some of the Liquitex Basics black and white fluid acrylics as well but as these were a matte finish, I added about 30% gloss fluid medium to give it a shine. But if you like the matte look, you could go without doing this step.  I store my bottles upright and always test first on a scrap of paper to make sure it is coming out the nozzle ok, but so far, so good. The beauty of these little bottles and the fluid acrylic is the needle-nose tip is so very small and you can do a tiny dot or line very easily that I can't see you getting from any other method. The slower you go, the thicker and wider the line. You just need to have the patience to let it dry and not try to speed it up by drying it with a heat gun.

"Life is better"

"Let life surprise you"


"Seize the day"

Close-up to show the shine of the
black fluid acrylic.

"Find joy"

Close-up to show the dimension and
shine of the white fluid acrylic.

"Stay wild"

Another close-up of the tiny dots
that can be achieved with fluid acrylics.

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