Tuesday, October 25, 2022


 I have a lot of different floral dies and recently bought a couple of vase dies to go along with the pot dies I had from a cactus die set. So I decided to do some floral arrangements on some previously created backgrounds. These are such simple little atc's but have a big impact as the flora takes centre stage. They can be a bit fiddly working out what plants work best with what pot and as almost every stem is an individual one, I found my little dressmaking clips worked really well to hold it all together so I could "audition" the pieces to see what worked and what didn't. (Thanks Janine for the wonderfully descriptive "audition word".  😉)  
I've included the video at the end of this post so you can see what I mean about the little dressmaking clips and how well they work. I also use them if I need to hold a couple of things together while waiting for the glue to dry. They are very handy!

"Be authentic"


"You do you"


"Grow through"

"Live simply"

Video showing the little dressmaking clips and how I've used them.

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